A string variable can store up to 65535 characters. The following example combines two drawing objects: This code creates a rectangle and a circle and inserts them into a page. If you move a database table into a spreadsheet, LibreOffice creates a table area which can be updated at the click of the mouse if the original data has been modified. The FileLen function determines the length of a file in bytes (as long integer value). In this case, the frame object of the window should contain an explicit name. Buy a printed copy. The simplest scenario is for the button to trigger a When Initiating event when it is clicked by a user. A variation of the If statement is the If/Else clause: In this example, the variable B is assigned the value of 2 when A is greater than 3, otherwise B is assigned the value of 0. In LibreOffice Basic, the * placeholder may however only be the last character of a file name and/or file extension, which is not the case in VBA. For example, you can define an array to contain all the words in a text that begin with the letter A. (In English, at least, they must be followed by a space, tab, or return for this to work.). LibreOffice therefore compresses the files and saves them as a ZIP file. Whereas the position of hard line breaks in the source code of Java, C++, or Delphi programs is irrelevant, each line in a Basic program forms a self-contained unit. The associated com.sun.star.form.FormButtonType group of constants provides the following values: The OK and Cancel button types provided in dialogs are not supported in forms. Do not specify the constant type in the declaration: it will be silently ignored. This example deactivates the cmdNext button in the Dlg dialog with the aid of the model object from cmdNext. In the second example, the sheet is accessed by its name and the getByName method. If you want to specify the type of a data, use a typed variable, not a constant. The assignments. In the previous example, if the UserInput variable contains a valid numerical value, then this is assigned to the ValidInput variable. The color for the rear wall of the chart is set to white. The language of LibreOffice Basic: Defines the elementary linguistic constructs, for example, for variable declarations, loops, and functions. VBA: When requested in LibreOffice Basic, the Dir function, using the parameter 16, only returns the sub-directories of a folder. If it fails, a runtime error is produced, the error handler intercepts the error, and the function returns False. Finally, the following information symbols are available and can also be displayed by adding the relevant parameter values: The following call displays an information box with the Yes and No buttons (value 4), of which the second button (No) is set as the default value (value 256) and which also receives a question mark (value 32), 4+256+32=292. A global Dlg variable that references an open dialog must be included to make this example possible. The bookmarks can either be accessed by their number or their name. The variable can contain up to 15 numbers before the decimal point. Note: The com.sun.star.frame.Desktop service, which is similar to the core service of LibreOffice. RectangleShape.String = "This is a test" Line objects support all the general formatting services with the exception of areas. LibreOffice provides a whole range of predefined date and time formats. The Environ function returns the environmental variables of the operating system. They can be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics (com.sun.star.chart.Dim3Ddiagramservice). Chapter 1. The underscore must always be the last character in a linked line and cannot be followed by a space or a tab or a comment, otherwise the code generates an error. You do that by using the name of the object as a qualifier. The parameter provides the option of adding additional buttons, defining the pre-assigned button, and adding an information symbol. It adds the NewPart section at the point of the search term Search. Direct formatting always takes priority over indirect formatting. An example of how to use the definition, and how to reference the fields within an instance, appears in the section on WithEnd With. In #Cells and Ranges, the following example has the qualifiers in the Case statements written out completely, for clarity. If a cell contains a numerical value, then the example changes the formatting correspondingly. If you are interested in only the mouse click, your macro should ignore all calls where PopupTrigger is TRUE. Instead use the LibreOffice Basic MouseUp event for the click event and imitate the Doubleclick event by changing the application logic. In the preceding example, if we replace the ChangeValue function then the superordinate variable A remains unaffected by this change. Note: Here we rename the first sheet of the spreadsheet document. Here are a few correct and incorrect examples of numbers in exponential format: Note, that in the first and third incorrect examples that no error message is generated even though the variables return incorrect values. Once initialization is complete, the text frame is finally inserted in the text document using a call from insertTextContent. LibreOffice Basic provides the getPropertyState method, with which programmers can check how a certain property was formatted. At the end, the drawing object is assigned to a page using a Page.add call. A special object which records the parameters for the process is also first needed for a replacement process. However, in drawing documents the descriptor objects for searching and replacing are not created directly through the document object, but rather through the associated character level. This allows the paragraphs to be edited. The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. The preceding Document object could, for example, provide a Save method, which can be called as follows: Methods, just like functions, may contain parameters and return values. For example, this object provides a start method that can start presentations. Again, the second parameter specifies the number of columns that you want to delete. You will find a range of examples which use these methods in the following sections. The LibreOffice API provides you with a whole range of objects with which you can create, open and modify Office documents. Note: The LibreOffice API and the Dialog Editor are not compatible with VBA (standardizing these interfaces would have made many of the concepts provided in LibreOffice impossible). An ma unit is defined as being one eighth of the average height of a character from the system font defined in the operating system and one quarter of its width. A data field contains several variables, which are addressed through an index. Such array is declared without dimension, but may later be filled by an API function or with a Redim statement: You cannot assign a value to an empty array, since it does not contain any elements. The TextCursor objects available in LibreOffice Basic should not, however, be confused with the visible cursor. With the TypeEnd Type statements, you can define your own (non-UNO) structs: The Type definition is only a pattern or template, not a set of actual variables. The location of individual cells in a cell range can be determined using the getCellByPosition method, where the coordinates of the top left cell in the cell range is (0, 0). Download PDF. To define the cell range that you want to insert, use the com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress structure. LibreOffice provides several ways of optimizing ResultSets and thereby controlling the speed of access. 12 for Calc); the OpenOffice Basic Wikipedia page has some useful links, including: the OO Basic Guide and Andrew Pitonyak's OpenOffice Macro Information; there's also a book, Learn OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet Macro Programming from Pakt . LibreOffice positions the control elements of a form at drawing object level. The control elements available in forms are similar to those of dialogs. Properties are like the properties of an object; for example, Filename and Title for a Document object. which at first glance seems straightforward, ultimately proves to be something of a trap. These may be outside the flow of text and can be positioned anywhere on the page. The hasByName and getByName methods are obtained from the com.sun.star.container.XNameAccess interface. The type of removal is defined by one of the following values from the com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode enumeration: The XRangeMovement interface provides two additional methods for moving (moveRange) or copying (copyRange) cell ranges. When working with spreadsheets, an intermediate stage is needed for the Sheets list because the drawing levels are not located directly in the document but in the individual sheets: As is already suggested by the GetByIndex method name, a document may contain several forms. To make this possible, data sources are accessed by drivers. You can also edit documents or open databases with event handling as well as access other control elements. The column objects support the com.sun.star.table.TableColumn service that has the following properties: The width of a column is only optimized when the OptimalWidth property is set to True. If you click on Yes, the new or changed styles will be copied into the document. The example first checks if the error number corresponds to the expected number (as stored in the imaginary ExpectedErrorNo constant) and then handles the error accordingly. VBA: The rules for constructing markers are different in LibreOffice Basic than in VBA. If the activation sequence is interrupted by another control element, then LibreOffice automatically starts with a new control element group that can be activated regardless of the first group of control elements. LibreOffice provides a programming interface in the form of the Universal Network Objects (UNO). The characters are not rotated. A complete list of the paragraph properties can be found in the LibreOffice API reference. The effect on any particular function is described with that function, below. placeholders in both VBA and LibreOffice Basic. For a detailed description please refer to the LibreOffice Basic Guide which is available separately. However, unlike a procedure, a function provides a return value. The following example defines a procedure that expects an integer value A and a string B as parameters. The following example writes the "Just a Test." VBA: The VBA Click and Doubleclick events are not available in LibreOffice Basic. All directories needed within a hierarchy are also created, if required. There is, however, one main difference: a Universal Network Object may support several services at the same time. Unlike C++ or Delphi, the LibreOffice Basic compiler does not create executable or self-extracting files that are capable of running automatically. XML-based files can be opened and edited with other programs. Character objects in UNO, for example, provide the getPosition and setPosition methods through which the associated key point can be called up and changed. The lines can be stacked (com.sun.star.chart.StackableDiagram). The TextCursor object in LibreOffice, for example, provides methods for navigating and changing text which are included in the Range object in VBA (for example, MoveStart, MoveEnd, InsertBefore, InsertAfter). A variant is a universal variable that can record all conceivable values, including strings, whole numbers, floating point figures, and Boolean values. These are presented in detail in the #Introduction to the LibreOffice API. Text fields can be inserted in a text document using the same methods as those used for other TextContent objects: The example inserts a text field with the current date at the start of the current text document. The Select command is not restricted to simple 1:1 assignments you can also specify comparison operators or lists of expressions in a Case branch. The paragraph properties are available through the com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties service. All of these charts support the com.sun.star.chart.StackableDiagram service, which in turn provides the following properties: Line charts (com.sun.star.chart.LineDiagram) support two X-axes, two Y-axes and one Z-axis. If it does, the method determines a corresponding object reference by using the getByName method and then saves the reference in a variable in Page. In addition to single dimensional data fields, LibreOffice Basic also supports work with multi-dimensional data fields. The lengths are specified in hundredths of a millimeter. You should therefore be careful when using RmDir. The example first creates a list containing all rows using a Table.getRows call. To improve clarity, you should avoid using Option Base 1. The example creates a text frame, inserts this in the current document and opens a TextCursor for the text frame. The preceding call returns a page object that supports the com.sun.star.drawing.DrawPage service. Another mechanism for changing the text of headers and footers is available for text documents (LibreOffice Writer) because these consist of a single block of text. LibreOffice Basic provides a whole range of methods for reading and writing files. The following example shows how four lines of a mathematical expression can be linked: Note: These event types can be divided into four groups: When you work with events, make sure that you create the associated dialog in the LibreOffice development environment and that it contains the required control elements or documents (if you apply the events to a form). You can access individual pages either through their number or their name. This service defines the Size and Position properties of a drawing object. If you want to delete directory (including its files) use the RmDir function. VBA: Other limit values sometimes apply for data field indexes in VBA. This data field is then initialized with the values to be set and assigned the Printer property. LibreOffice, the best free and open source office suite. Constants have the same scope as variables (see #Scope_of_Variables Scope and Life Span of Variables), but the syntax is slightly different. LibreOffice Basic provides four functions that return partial strings, plus a length function: Unlike array subscripts, character positions in a string start with 1. The following properties are provided for pie and donut charts with the Diagram object: LibreOffice has an integrated database interface (independent of any systems) called Star Database Connectivity (SDBC). The 0 to 127 ASCII codes correspond to the alphabet and to common symbols (such as periods, parentheses, and commas), as well as some special screen and printer control codes. The following is an example of a search and replace process: This example uses the first page of the document to create a ReplaceDescriptor and then applies this to all pages in a loop. Even the search properties and methods available differ. The fill mode of a drawing object is defined using the FillStyle property. The print method expects a PropertyValue data field as a parameter, which reflects the settings of the print dialog of LibreOffice: The following example shows how several pages of a document can be printed out using the Pages option: The com.sun.star.view.XPrintable interface provides the Printer property, which selects the printer. Java LibreOffice Programming (JLOP) is intended for programmers who want to learn how to use the Java version of the LibreOffice API. Every control element has its own name that can be queried using the following model property: You can specify the title that appears in the title bar of a dialog with the following model property: You can query the size and position of a control element using the following properties of the model object: To ensure platform independence for the appearance of dialogs, LibreOffice uses the Map AppFont (ma) internal unit to specify the position and size within dialogs. When using DBG_properties, note that the function returns all properties that the services offered by the object can theoretically support. The interfaces to various LibreOffice applications, which allow for direct access to Office documents. It combines all the pages within the spreadsheet. Working with LibreOffice Basic The cell type is not determined by the content that is saved in the cell, but rather the object property which was used for its entry. You can also have loops with an undefined number of passes. These in turn can be linked to LibreOffice Basic macros to considerably extend the usage range of LibreOffice Basic. You can also pass a parameter as a value if you do not want subsequent changes to the parameter to affect the value that is originally passed. The When initiating event is also noteworthy for the following reasons: The properties for the Item Status Changed event are: LibreOffice Basic recognizes a range of control elements which can be divided into the following groups: A button performs an action when you click it. The start index of a data field usually begins with the value 0. The maximum length of a marker is 255 characters. It is important to check the error number so that unanticipated errors can be detected. If this is the case, the Control.Name property then checks whether the name of the control element is MyListBox. A For Each loop says "do this to everything in this set", rather than "do this n times". Anyone who has previously worked with other Basic languages in particular with Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) from Microsoft will quickly become accustomed to LibreOffice Basic. Unlike the data sources presented in the previous section, the database connection must therefore be re-established every time the program is restarted. Once the writing process has been completed, the file must be closed using a Close call: Again here, the file handle should be specified. The ResultSet object provides Update methods for modifying values, which are structured in the same way as the get methods for retrieving values. You can move the data from one list to the other using the buttons between the two list boxes. Note: The fourth parameter of the loadComponentFromURL function is a PropertyValue data field. The second parameter of insertCells contains a value of the com.sun.star.sheet.CellInsertMode enumeration and defines what is to be done with the values that are located in front of the insert position. For example, in the following variable declaration, MyVar1 becomes a variant and MyVar2 becomes an integer: The following sections list the variable types that are available in LibreOffice Basic and describe how they can be used and declared. The FileProperties array has two elements, one for each option used. The getCount and getByIndex methods allow the list to be further processed and belongs to the com.sun.star.table.XtableRows interface. After modification, the values must be transferred into the database using the updateRow()method. XIndexAccess provides the getByIndex and getCount methods for calling the subordinate objects. The complete name of a service consists of the com.sun.star expression, which specifies that it is a LibreOffice service, followed by the module name, such as frame, and finally the actual service name, such as Desktop. Context-dependent objects are usually created by means of an object method, on which the object depends. In this instance, access is provided directly through the HeaderText property of the page style rather than the HeaderFooterContent object. Cells cannot be formatted by column in LibreOffice Basic. Note: An A stands for the decimal number 10, while the letter F represents the decimal number 15. To provide an overview of these services, they have been combined into modules. In addition to simple variables (scalars), LibreOffice Basic also supports arrays (data fields). Depending on the system and configuration, various types of data are saved here. It supports the createTextCursor interface for creating an associated TextCursor object. A LibreOffice Basic object can, however, support several services. The example first tests whether the B parameter has been passed and, if necessary, passes the same parameter to the internal B_Local variable. In this example, the counter begins at 10 and is reduced by 1 at the end of each pass until the counter is 1. The control elements of a form can be linked with an external database table. The declaration is made using the Dim instruction (see #The Language of LibreOffice Basic). LibreOffice provides various ways of establishing database connections. The individual pages are accessed from the sheets object, by using the getByName method from XNameAccess: The getElementNames method provides an overview of the names of all elements. Whereas the dialog functions are available in all LibreOffice documents, the full scope of the form functions are only available in text and spreadsheets. By convention, the symbolic names given below are written in UPPERCASE, to mark them as predefined, rather than user-defined. You can use the computeFunction method to perform mathematical operations on cell ranges. Buy a printed copy. In some instances, an object may contain a list of subordinate objects that cannot be addressed by either a name or an index. The individual data sources are based on the com.sun.star.sdb.DataSource service and can be determined from the database context using the getByName method: The example creates a DataSource object for a data source called Customers. The following examples show you how to access a sheet either through its number or its name. It passes through a complete document and formats the first word of every sentence in bold type. This conversion is much more elaborate than it appears: the integer B remains in the working memory in the form of a two-byte long number. The code is first checked for obvious errors and then executed line by line. Combo boxes (com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlComboBox service) support the following properties: Tree boxes (com.sun.star.awt.tree.TreeControlModel service) support the following properties: In many respects, the structure of LibreOffice forms corresponds to the #dialogs. From a Set of ASCII Characters to Unicode, Dynamic Changes in the Dimensions of Data Fields, Determining the Dimensions of Data Fields, Array Creation, value assignment and access example, Programming Example: Sorting With Embedded Loops, Terminating Procedures and Functions Prematurely, Specification of Date and Time Details within the Program Code, Copying, Renaming, Deleting and Checking the Existence of Files, com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory Interface, com.sun.star.container.XNameAccess Interface, com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer Interface, Index-Based Access to Subordinate Objects, com.sun.star.container.XIndexAccess Interface, com.sun.star.container.XIndexContainer Interface, com.sun.star.container.XEnumeration and XenumerationAccess Interfaces, Basic Information about Documents in LibreOffice, Creating, Opening and Importing Documents, Replacing the Content of the Document Window, Default values for character and paragraph properties, Example: searching and replacing text with regular expressions, Inserting, Deleting, Copying and Moving Cells, Definition of Elements to be Printed (Spreadsheets Only), Type-Specific Methods for Retrieving Values, Closing With the Close Button in the Title Bar, Working With the Model of Dialogs and Control Elements, The Three Aspects of a Control Element Form, Accessing the Model of Control Element Forms, Accessing the View of Control Element Forms, Accessing the Shape Object of Control Element Forms, Determining the Size and Position of Control Elements, #Scope_of_Variables Scope and Life Span of Variables, '''#Default values for character and paragraph properties''', https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?title=Documentation/BASIC_Guide&oldid=592397, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Addition of numbers and date values, concatenation of strings, Division of numbers with a whole number result (rounded), modulo operation (calculation of the remainder of a division), Implication (if the first expression is true, then the second must also be true), Equality of numbers, date values and strings, Inequality of numbers, date values and strings, Greater than check for numbers, date values and strings, Greater than or equal to check for numbers, date values and strings, Less than check for numbers, date values and strings, Less than or equal to check for numbers, date values and strings. The second section concentrates on how to edit spreadsheets efficiently by focusing on cell areas and the options for searching and replacing cell contents. The procedure saves the individual file names in the AllFiles variable and then displays this in a message box. To specify that a parameter is to be passed as a value, ensure that the ByVal keyword precedes the variable declaration in the function header. If the operators are applied to Boolean values, the operation provides the result required directly. You can apply all the named properties to individual cells and to cell ranges. Some DOS-specific properties are no longer used in functions that expect file properties as parameters (for example, to differentiate from concealed files and system files). The modules are of no other functional importance for LibreOffice Basic programmers. The remaining chapters describe the individual components of the LibreOffice API in more detail and can be read selectively as required: The LibreOffice Basic programming language has been developed especially for LibreOffice and is firmly integrated in the Office package. LibreOffice Basic predefines several constants. The last of the drawing elements presented here are graphic objects that are based on the com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape service. The first example of this page may be written as: The second example of this page may be written as: The SelectCase instruction is an alternative to the cascaded If statement and is used when you need to check a value against various conditions: In this example, the name of a weekday corresponds to a number, so that the DayOfWeek variable is assigned the value of 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday value, and so on. The example creates an Enumeration object on the basis of this list, with which all text fields can be queried in turn in a loop. The shadow is rendered in dark gray with 50 percent transparency. More information about the available services, and their interfaces, methods and properties can be found in the reference for the LibreOffice API. Buy a printed copy. The permissible values are defined in com.sun.star.drawing.FillStyle. You can also create data sources and work with them using LibreOffice Basic. For detailed information check out our wiki page. LibreOffice Basic offers complete access to all LibreOffice functions, supports all functions, modifies document types, and provides options for creating personal dialog windows. For example: The DoLoop is not linked to a fixed number of passes. The Statement object used to create the ResultSet provides some properties which allow the functions of the ResultSet to be influenced: The values defined in com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetConcurrency are: The com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSetType group of constants provides the following specifications: Note: The text fields found are checked for the service supported using the supportsService method. The entire LibreOffice API is based on these interfaces, which are described in more detail in the following chapters of this document. A complete list of all text fields is provided in the API reference in the com.sun.star.text.textfield module. Note: Finally the code sets the Label property of the control element to the New Label value. If the True parameter is passed here, then insertControlCharacter replaces the current text. A procedure executes an action without providing an explicit value. Until Basic encounters the End With statement, it looks for partly-qualified names: names that begin with a period (unary dot-operator). Note: As with the loadComponentFromURL method, some options can also be specified in the form of a PropertyValue data field using the storeAsURL method. The Form Functions Toolbar is used for editing forms. If you want to use an external bitmap file, you can specify its URL in the FillBitmapURL property. The corresponding dimensions are separated from one another by commas. The most common branching statement is the If statement as shown in the following example: The B = 2 assignment only occurs when value of variable A is greater than three. And adding an information symbol or self-extracting files that are libreoffice basic programming guide pdf of running automatically on which the depends... Other functional importance for LibreOffice Basic retrieving values for data field is then initialized the! 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